Now that I’m nineteen years-old, I take a look at myself, thinking nothing is changed from yesterday. It is just another step to be nineteen years-old. Speaking of steps, I will become twenty years-old next year. But I don’t see how I have changed. Maybe, I have actually grown. I guess I must be more responsible for myself. I have to gradually deal with such things at my age. Until now I was just a child, but it’s about time to prepare myself as an adult. Since my childhood, I’ve worked like this, many times scolded and taught by adults. Probably if I lived a normal life, I wouldn’t think this way or don’t bother to even think about it. To be honest, being nineteen years-old sets me to think “I want to stay as eighteen years-old”. At eighteen, my work and private life was well-filled. Whatever I did was fun. The work was always busy and tough, but enjoyed myself,  sometimes speaking up selfish thoughts. I was just a child until then.

In the name of NAMIE AMURO, 1996